Huzzahs, My Dears, Launch Time!
Announcing a readers' banquet: Trumpets, please, and bells. This has been such a hoot of a co-creative adventure. Thanks to all who've helped and wished this adventure well.
Hope you enjoy the graphics and a bit more about this and that. The comments section is not functioning as yet; will have to do a geek consult. I'll keep the blogspot up; you're welcome to check in there. New stories will happen at the new site.
It's Imbolc today, a friend informs me, a Celtic world seasonal marker between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. Here we all are in the arc of seasons in a new year.
(Yesterday: By this weekend, a new web presence will be up and running, with gorgeous graphics and a new wayfaring story written today. My book consultant, bless her, is dealing with a techno-glitch.)
Meanwhile, the book manuscript will be winging its way to the format-wizardess. It's she who sets up e-book and print-on-demand. Much of the expertise and derring-do of these Two Graces strikes me as magic.
The subtitle solution woke with me in the morning. It doesn't say: poor dear, she was homeless. Or: pretty long trip from Maine to the mountains.
The subtitle evokes many things:
I swam before I could walk, in tropical dolphin waters, dearest of kin.
Most of my life I've lived by the sea, growing up in a nautical family, and also as an adult because I love mountains at the ocean's edge, be it Maine or New Zealand.
I've stood on the cliffs at Pt. Reyes, boated to breeding grounds in the Gulf of Maine, and swum in waters near cetaceans whenever I could.
As to tides and imperatives to move on, a passage from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar is somewhat haunting: "There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries..."
See you this weekend. The book title:
Wayfaring Traveler
Whale Rider of the Tide