Saturday, November 5, 2016

Guy Fawkes Day 2016, Update 6 Nov.

Remember, Remember
the Fifth 
of November

Bonfires and fireworks and high-fives to freedom, on this day the British Commonwealth remembers a 1605 attempt to blow up the Parliament building.

A tempting thought this side of the pond--overdue house-cleaning on Capitol Hill! This US election may shift priorities peaceably.

What if "white-hats" blew up American corruption? 

How?... By exposing deleted emails, by refusing to tolerate further abuses of power, abuses egregious.

Have you met the brave man, Dr. Steve Pieczenik, who has declared a soft intell-coup against grotesque malefactors?  4 vivid minutes:

I read that he first sent his family out of immediate harm's way to another country, before speaking for an alliance of white-hats, alerting us to peaceful dissent, and a Second American Revolution.

Update 6 Nov. 2016: 

Now bear in mind, those who've tried to  inconvenience a certain political crime-family have met untimely ends. Dozens and dozens of suspicious deaths, and even coroners bought off to rule a mafia type hit, as a suicide.  

Remember, remember: Incitements to urban violence, bonfires in the streets, serve those desperate for further power-grab and martial law

Let us not feed the globalist beast as it thrashes about for justification. 

Last night rains fell softly after a long dry spell and a golden autumn. Another sort of freedom shone in the pre-dawn hours

A kindred spirit friend was finally released from unspeakable pain and Hospice. Those who've cared for her through long vigil imagine her in the gardens still and mercifully freed from suffering.

It is a thrillingly good time to be alive, or to pass on.
The iconic Taos photographer, Welshman Geraint Smith, did the cover photo of my first Wayfaring Traveler book. He is out in all weathers reminding us of deep roots.