Giving Thanks on Thanksgiving Day; JFK
The color palette of autumn glows warm as Indian Summer fades to overcast skies: orange pumpkins, red cranberries, golden corn.
Turkey platters are the centerpiece of most Thanksgiving tables. Commercial turkey growers (translation: gut-rot GMO feed) are reporting underweight birds.
Feeding Monsanto GMO-corn is a mockery of plenty, gradually lethal to livestock and humankind. Find an organic farmer for goodness sake!
Have you heard about the "Degrowth Movement?" Me neither!
It's a global grass roots effort to stop feeding not just obesity, but the Debt-Beast: No shopping on days advertisers flog the masses into a buying hysteria.
The day after Thanksgiving pig-out, being the next such lunge into excess. It’s called “Black Friday” which I guess would be the color tone for lining up at midnight. People have even been trampled.
All to buy “sale-priced” gulag-produced gadgets, plastic and resin schlock, the nano-second that doors open.
Neighbors have invited me to share their big family Thanksgiving, a family of big heart. I'll bring a skillet of fresh-ground organic cornbread topped with dry-roasted sunflower seeds.
We may begin to understand: Good neighbors and gardens are a new thought form for many of us. We've had great resources, and have modeled societal isolation and devouring of wealth. Heck of an export.
Some years, I've felt so sad, at our peoples' loss of gratitude as ground of being, that I've gone quiet and fasted at Thanksgiving.
P.S. Nov. 22, 2013. My family was in Europe when JFK was assassinated. My parents received many black edged cards of condolence from colleagues and friends, as though we'd lost a family member.
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